Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weapon    nb of strokes: 14
translation: tube
銃: juu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket, firearm
銃を構える: juuokamaeru: hold a rifle at the ready <<<
銃: koZutsu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket
Kanji words: 小銃 , 機銃 , 拳銃 , 銃士 , 銃砲
Expressions: 機関銃 , 連発銃 , 空気銃 , レーザー銃

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: at a loss, suffer
kyuu, gu
窮まる: kiwamaru: be dangerous, be at a loss <<< ,
窮める: kiwameru: go to extremes <<< ,
Kanji words: 窮屈 , 窮乏 , 窮地
Expressions: 策に窮する , 喧騒を窮める , 返答に窮する , 原理を窮める

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: tear, tired, fatigued, weary, wearied, suffer
弊れる: yabureru: tear (vi.), be [get] torn, rip, break, be broken <<<
弊れる: tsukareru: be [get] tired, be [become] fatigued [weary, wearied] <<<
弊しむ: kurushimu: suffer, be in pain [agony], be afflicted [worried] (with), be distressed [tormented] (by), be at a loss, be embarrassed (by) <<<
Kanji words: 弊社 , 語弊 , 疲弊

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: mild, loose, slow, slack
緩い: yurui: loose, slack, lenient, generous
緩く: yuruku: loosely, leniently, generously, slowly
緩やか: yuruyaka: lenient, generous, loose, slow
緩やかに: yuruyakani: leniently, generously, liberally
緩み: yurumi: looseness, slackness, relaxation, relief
緩む: yurumu: become slack, slacken, grow [come] loose, loosen, relax, abate
緩める: yurumeru: loose, make loose, unfasten, slacken, relax, mitigate, abate, slow down
緩り: yukkuri: slowly, by slow degrees, at a slow pace, leisurely, deliberately, at ease
緩り歩く: yukkuriaruku: walk slowly [leisurely] <<<
緩り遣る: yukkuriyaru: take time <<<
緩りする: yukkurisuru: take time, stay long
緩り眠る: yukkurinemuru: have a good sleep <<<
緩: husa, yasu, nobu, hiro: pers.
Kanji words: 緩衝 , 緩慢 , 緩和
Expressions: 箍が緩む , 歩みを緩める , 螺子を緩める , 手綱を緩める , 緩い階段 , キャップを緩める , バンドを緩める , ブレーキを緩める
antonyms: ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 19
translation: separate, part, detach, leave, quit, attach (bor.), hang
離れる: hanareru: separate (vi.), part, leave, quit
離れない: hanarenai: inseparable
離す: hanasu: separate (vt.), part
離れた: hanareta: separated, detached, distant, remote, far-off <<<
離れて: hanarete: apart, off, at a distance, far away (from), aloof (from)
離れ: hanare: outhouse (jp.), rear house
離く: tsuku: attach <<<
離る: kakaru: hang <<< ,
Kanji words: 分離 , 離陸 , 解離 , 離島 , 距離 , 離脱 , 電離 , 乖離 , 支離滅裂 , 別離 , 離婚 , 隔離 , 離反 , 離職
Expressions: 目を離す , 手を離す , 懸け離れる , 懸け離れた , 村を離れる , 床を離れる , 切り離す , 席を離れる , 引き離す , 世間離れした , 戦列を離れる , 浮世離れした , 肌身離さず , 素人離れした , 時代離れした

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 20
translation: document, book, letter, mail
seki, sha, jaku
籍: seki: register
籍を入れる: sekioireru: have one's [a person's] name entered in the family register <<<
籍を抜く: sekionuku: have one's [a person's] name struck out from the family register <<<
籍を置く: sekiooku: be enrolled at <<<
籍: humi: document, letter, text <<<
Kanji words: 国籍 , 入籍 , 学籍 , 戸籍 , 本籍 , 移籍 , 書籍
Expressions: 英国籍 , 米国籍 , 中国籍

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 20
translation: dew, appear (ext.), Russia (suff.)
ro, rou
露: tsuyu: dew, little (jp.), few
露が降りる: tsuyugaoriru: It dews, dew falls <<<
露が降りた: tsuyugaorita: dewy, moist with dew <<<
露を帯びた: tsuyuoobita <<<
露程も: tsuyuhodomo: (not) in the least, (not) in the slightest degree <<<
露知らず: tsuyushirazu: without knowing at all <<<
露われる: arawareru: appear, be disclosed, be revealed <<< ,
露わに: arawani: openly, publicly, frankly, candidly
Kanji words: 暴露 , 露出 , 雨露 , 披露 , 朝露 , 露店 , 甘露 , 露草
check also ロシア

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 22
translation: full clothes, attack (bor.), assault, assail, raid
襲: kasane: full clothes (pile of clothes)
襲ねる: kasaneru: pile up, heap up <<<
襲ぐ: tsugu: succeed (to), inherit <<<
襲う: osou: attack, assault, assail, raid, succeed (to), inherit
襲い掛かる: osoikakaru: make an attack [assault] on, fall on [upon], pounce at [on, upon] <<<
Kanji words: 奇襲 , 襲来 , 襲撃 , 空襲
Expressions: 津波に襲われる , 雷雨に襲われる , 睡魔に襲われる , 恐怖に襲われる , ピンチに襲われる , パニックに襲われる

category: JIS1, only in Japanese   radicals:    keyword: road    nb of strokes: 5
translation: street corner, crossroads
辻: tsuji
辻に立つ: tsujinitatsu: stand at the street corner <<<
Kanji words: 辻褄
Expressions: 辻馬車

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: scold, rebuke, reprimand
叱る: shikaru: scold, rebuke, reprimand, berate, call (a person) down, read (a person) a lecture
叱られる: shikarareru: be scolded, catch it
叱り飛ばす: shikaritobasu: blow (a person) up, take (a person) roundly to task, give (a person) a good scolding, storm at (a person) <<<

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