Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 降格 , 講義 , 交錯 , 向上 , 洪水 , 攻勢 , 好調 , 高熱 , 荒廃 , 効用


pronunciation: koukaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: demotion
降格する: koukakusuru: fall in rank, be demoted*****
check also 昇格


pronunciation: kougi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: lecture (n.), discourse
講義する: kougisuru: lecture (on a subject), deliver [give] a lecture (on), give a course (in)
講義に出る: kouginideru: attend [be present at] a lecture***** <<<
講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru <<< 出席
講義を怠ける: kougionamakeru: cut a lecture <<<
講義録: kougiroku: correspondence course, transcript of lectures <<<
check also 講座 ,


pronunciation: kousaku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: mixing, intertwining, intersecting
交錯する: kousakusuru: cross [mingle with] each other, be complicated*****


pronunciation: koujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: elevation, rise, improvement, progress
向上する: koujousuru: rise, be elevated, become higher, progress, advance, improve*****
向上させる: koujousaseru: raise, elevate, improve, letter
向上的: koujouteki: aspirating, aspiring, ambitious <<<
向上心: koujoushin: ambition <<<
check also , 増進


pronunciation: kouzui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: flood, inundation
洪水に遭う: kouzuiniau: suffer from a flood, be flooded***** <<<
洪水に見舞われる: kouzuinimimawareru <<< 見舞
大洪水: daikouzui, ookouzui: deluge <<<
ノアの洪水: noanokouzui: deluge <<< ノア


pronunciation: kousei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: offensive
攻勢に出る: kouseinideru: take [assume, be on] the offensive***** <<<
攻勢を取る: kouseiotoru <<<
攻勢に転じる: kouseinitenjiru: change to the offensive <<<
平和攻勢: heiwakousei: peace offensive <<< 平和


pronunciation: kouchou   kanji characters: , 調    keyword: sport   
translation: top shape, good condition, satisfactory state
好調の: kouchouno: good, favorable, satisfactory
好調である: kouchoudearu: be in good form, go on smoothly*****
絶好調: zekkouchou: the best condition <<<


pronunciation: kounetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , physics   
translation: high fever [temperature]
高熱に苦しむ: kounetsunikurushimu: suffer from a high fever <<<
高熱が出る: kounetsugaderu: be attacked by a high fever***** <<<
高熱に侵される: kounetsuniokasareru <<<


pronunciation: kouhai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: desolation, dilapidation, ruin, devastation
荒廃する: kouhaisuru: go to ruin [decay], be devastated, be laid waste*****
荒廃させる: kouhaisaseru: ruin [v.], devastate
荒廃した: kouhaishita: ruined, desolate
荒廃地: kouhaichi: wasteland <<<


pronunciation: kouyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: use, effect, virtue
効用な: kouyouna: useful, effective
効用が有る: kouyougaaru: be applicable, effective***** <<<
check also , 効能

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