Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'by'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 10
translation: sleeve
袖: sode: sleeve, wing (jp.)
袖の有る: sodenoaru: sleeved <<<
袖の無い: sodenonai: sleeveless <<<
袖に縋る: sodenisugaru: cling to a person's sleeve, appeal to (a person) for mercy <<<
袖を引く: sodeohiku: pull (a person) by the sleeve, solicit <<<
袖を捲る: sedeomakuru: roll [tuck] up one's sleeve <<<
袖にする: sodenisuru: jilt, give the cold shoulder (to)
袖を濡らす: sodeonurasu: weep (secretly) <<< ,
Kanji words: 振袖 , 袖丈 , 長袖 , 半袖 , 袖口

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: crime    nb of strokes: 11
translation: rob, plunder
ryaku, ryou
掠める: kasumeru: grease, skim, go past by, rob (a person of a thing), plunder, pocket (a part of the profits), make a kickback, steal
掠め取る: kasumetoru: steal <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 11
translation: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
惚ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak, grow faint, fade, shade off <<<
惚けた: boketa: senile, dote, blurred, vague, hazy
惚れる: horeru: take a fancy to (jp.), lose [give] one's heart to, fall for, be much taken by
惚ける: tobokeru: pretend [sham, feign] ignorance, pretend not to know
惚けた顔をする: toboketakaoosuru: look blank <<<
Kanji words: 自惚れ , 恍惚
Expressions: 寝惚ける , 一目惚れ , 一目惚れする , 時差惚け

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: greenery, verdure (of mountains)
嵐: arashi: storm (jp.), tempest
嵐の: arashino: stormy
嵐の日: arashinohi: stormy day <<<
嵐に会う: arashiniau: be overtaken by a storm <<<
嵐に遭う: arashiniau <<<
嵐が吹く: arashigahuku: It storms <<<
嵐が起こる: arashigaokoru: A storm rises <<<
嵐が来る: arashigakuru: A storm comes on <<<
嵐が静まる: arashigashizumaru: A storm calms down <<<
嵐の前の静けさ: arashinomaenoshizukesa: The calm [lull] before a storm
Kanji words: 砂嵐
Expressions: 凄い嵐 , 磁気嵐

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: beard, wait (bor.), await, use
shu, su
須く: subekaraku: by all means, necessarily, should (do), ought to (do)
須つ: matsu: wait, await <<<
須いる: mochiiru: use <<<
須: hige: beard
Kanji words: 急須 , 必須

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bee, wasp, hornet
蜂: hachi
蜂に刺される: hachinisasareru: be stung by a wasp <<<
蜂の巣: hachinosu: beehive, honeycomb <<<
蜂の針: hachinohari: bee sting <<<
蜂の群: hachinomure: swarm of bees <<<
Kanji words: 蜂蜜 , 蜂鳥 , 養蜂 , 蜜蜂 , 雀蜂
Expressions: 女王蜂

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: nature , finance    nb of strokes: 13
translation: drip, drop, trickle
溜る: shitataru: drip, drop, trickle <<<
溜まる: tamaru: collect (jp., vi.), gather, form a mass, heap, accumulate, stay, stand, be in arrears, be overdue
溜める: tameru: accumulate (jp., vt.), amass, save, store, lay [set] by, put aside [by, away], hoard, collect, gather, run up [behind in one's] (bills), leave (one's work) undone, leave over (one's work) <<<
溜り: tamari: waiting room (jp.), haunt, hangout, parking lot
溜: tame: dump (jp.), tip
溜め込む: tamekomu: save [hoard] up, amass <<<
Kanji words: 日溜り , 水溜り , 溜息 , 一溜り
Expressions: 埃が溜まる , 汚水溜 , 下水溜め , 勘定を溜める , ストレスが溜まる

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: ship    nb of strokes: 14
translation: transport [carry] by ship (orig.), row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぐ: kogu: row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぎ出す: kogidasu: row [pull] out <<<
漕ぎ手: kogite: oarsman <<<
漕ぶ: hakobu: ship (v.), transport [carry] by ship
Kanji words: 阿漕
Expressions: 船を漕ぐ , 櫓で漕ぐ , 自転車を漕ぐ , ボートを漕ぐ , カヌーを漕ぐ , オールを漕ぐ

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: fan, stir up, incite, cajole, wheedle, instigate, flatter, butter up
煽る: aoru: fan (a fire), stir up, incite, stoke
煽り立てる: あおりたてる <<<
煽りを食う: aoriokuu: be caught in the blast, get a by-blow <<<
煽てる: odateru: cajole, wheedle, instigate, flatter, butter up
煽て: odate: wheedling, flattery
煽てに乗る: odateninoru: be easily flattered <<<
Expressions: 団扇で煽ぐ , 突風に煽られる , 煽り運転
check also

category: JIS1   other spells: 遙   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 14
translation: far, away, distant
遥か: haruka: far away [off], far, in the distance, a long [good] way off
遥かに: harukani: far away [off], far, in the distance, a long [good] way off, much, by far
遥かに良い: harukaniyoi, harukaniii: far [much] better <<<
Kanji words: 逍遥
Expressions: 遥か彼方に , 波路遥かに
synonyms: ,

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