Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'at'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: travel , literature    nb of strokes: 12
translation: sing, chant, recite a poem
詠う: utau: sing, chant, recite a poem <<< , , ,
詠む: yomu: make a poem (jp.) <<<
詠める: nagameru: take a view (jp.), look at, stare at, gaze at [on, into], watch <<<
詠め: nagame: view (jp.), prospect, landscape, scenery <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 13
translation: separate, part, screen, estrange
kaku, kyaku
隔たる: hedataru: be distant [away] (from), be far off, become estranged (from)
隔てる: hedateru: separate, part, screen, estrange
隔てて: hedatete: at intervals of, after, at [from] a distance, beyond, across
隔て: hedate: difference, discrimination, distinction
隔て無く: hedatenaku: without distinction of, regardless of <<<
隔ての有る: hedatenoaru: cold, reserved, discriminating <<<
隔ての無い: hedatenonai: open, frank <<<
Kanji words: 間隔 , 隔膜 , 隔離
Expressions: 海を隔てて , 海を隔てた

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 13
translation: leisure, spare time
暇: hima: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, dismissal, discharge
暇が無い: himaganai: have no time (to spare), have no leisure (to do, for a matter) <<< ,
暇な時に: himanatokini: at one's leisure, when one has time (to spare) <<<
暇でしたら: himadeshitara: If you are free [not engaged]
暇を潰す: himaotsubusu: kill time, while away one's time <<<
暇取る: himadoru: take time, delay <<< ,
暇が掛かる: himagakakaru <<<
暇を遣る: himaoyaru: give leave (of absence) <<<
暇を出す: himaodasu: dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire (a person) <<<
暇を取る: himaotoru: leave one's service [employment] <<<
暇: itoma: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, farewell
暇を告げる: itomaotsugeru: take one's leave <<<
暇を告げずに: itomaotsugezuni: without taking leave <<<
暇を乞う: itomaokou: ask a leave [separation] <<<
Kanji words: 余暇 , 休暇
synonyms: レジャー

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: smoke, smoky, haze
煙: kemuri: smoke (n.)
煙る: kemuru: be smoky, look dim
煙い: kemui: smoky, filled with smoke, fumous, feel awkward (jp.)
煙たい: kemutai
煙: kemutagaru: feel awkward [ill at ease], be rather afraid of, keep (a person) at a respectful distance
煙を出す: kemuriodasu: smoke (vt.) <<<
煙が出る: kemurigaderu: smoke (vi.) <<<
煙が立つ: kemurigatatsu <<<
煙にする: kemurinisuru: lose, throw away <<<
煙に成る: kemurininaru: end in smoke <<<
煙に巻く: kemurinimaku: bewilder, nonplus, mystify, fool <<<
煙に巻かれる: kemurinimakareru: be overwhelmed [suffocated] by smoke, be mystified [bewildered] <<<
Kanji words: 喫煙 , 煙管 , 煙幕 , 狼煙 , 煙草 , 硝煙 , 禁煙 , 煙突
synonyms: スモーク

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: different, difference, alter, change, mistake
違う: chigau: be different, differ, be unlike, be dissimilar (to), be not at one [in accordance] (with), do not agree, disagree (with), change, alter, vary, be wrong, be erroneous [mistaken]
違える: chigaeru: change, alter, mistake, make a mistake, sprain (one's ankle), dislocate
違った: chigatta: different, erroneous, false
違い: chigai: difference, discrepancy
違える: tagaeru: break, infringe, fail in
違: yokoshima: wicked, evil <<<
Kanji words: 勘違 , 違反 , 間違 , 気違い , 手違 , 相違 , 違和 , 違法 , 食い違 , 仲違
Expressions: 時を違えず , 取り違える , 食い違う , 腹違いの , 話は違うが , 大きさが違う , 互い違いに , 格が違う , 場違いな , 筋を違える , 筋違いの , 桁違いの , 聞き違える , 読み違える , 性質が違っている , 種類が違う , 勿論違う , 翻訳違い , 勘定違い , 勘定違いする , 見込違い , 見込違いをする , 配達違い , 見当違いの , 見当違いをする , 身分が違う , 階級が違う , 今回は違う , 見立て違い , 見立て違いをする , 時刻を違えずに , 心得違い , 心得違いをする

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: thunder, thunderbolt
雷: kaminari: thunder, thunderbolt, peal [roll] of thunder
雷が鳴る: kaminariganaru: It thunders, Thunder rolls [rumbles] <<<
雷に打たれる: kaminariniutareru: be struck by lightning <<<
雷が落ちる: kaminarigaochiru: The lightning strikes <<<
雷を落とす: kaminariootosu: thunder at (a person) <<<
Kanji words: 魚雷 , 雷鳴 , 落雷 , 機雷 , 雷神 , 雷雨 , 避雷針 , 地雷
check also 稲妻

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: vast, relax
寛い: hiroi: vast, huge <<<
寛し: hiroshi
寛ぐ: kutsurogu: relax, be at ease, make oneself at home
寛いで: kutsuroide: at ease, tranquilly, comfortably
寛ぎ: kutsurogi: ease (n.), rest, tranquility, comfort
寛げる: kutsurogeru: ease (v.), release, loosen, comfortable
寛やか: yuruyaka: lenient, loose, gentle (slope) <<<
Kanji words: 寛大 , 寛容

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: detailed, particular, minute
shou, you
詳しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed (in) <<<
詳しく: kuwashiku: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
詳かな: tsumabirakana: detailed, particular, minute <<<
詳かに: tsumabirakani: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
Kanji words: 詳細

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: sleep, rest
寝る: neru: sleep, go to sleep, fall asleep, take a nap
寝かす: nekasu: put (a person) to sleep [bed], send (a person) to sleep, lull(a baby) to sleep
寝られない: nerarenai: cannot get a sleep, lie [be kept] awake
寝ずに: nezuni: without sleeping
寝ずに居る: nezuniiru: stay [sit] up, be up late at night, remain awake <<<
寝て暮らす: netekurasu: idle [while] one's time away <<<
寝ても覚めても: netemosametemo: awake or sleep, night and day, all the time <<<
寝る子は育つ: nerukohasodatsu: sleep brings up a child well, a well-slept child is a well-kept child
寝た子を起こす: netakoookosu: Let sleeping dogs lie
寝たきりの: netakirino: bedridden
寝惚ける: nebokeru: be dazed with a sleep, be half sleep <<<
寝惚け眼で: nebokemanakode: half-sleeping [half-waking] eyes
寝惚け顔: nebokegao: sleepy face
寝そべる: nesoberu: lay sprawled
寝そびれる: nesobireru: fail to sleep, be sleepless
寝む: yasumu: go to bed, have a rest <<<
寝: mitamaya: altar <<< 祭壇
Kanji words: 寝巻 , 寝言 , 昼寝 , 就寝 , 寝相 , 寝入 , 寝坊 , 寝具 , 寝室 , 寝台 , 寝癖 , 寝業
Expressions: 未だ寝てる , 一緒に寝る , 寝小便 , 寝小便をする , 寝不足 , 寝不足で , 寝不足の為 , 地面に寝る
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 13
translation: waist, hip
腰: koshi: waist, courage (jp.), consistence
腰の曲がった: koshinomagatta: hunched <<<
腰を曲げる: koshiomageru: stoop <<<
腰を屈める: koshiokagameru <<<
腰に差す: koshinisasu: wear (a sword) at one's side <<<
腰を掛ける: koshiokakeru: sit down, seat oneself, take a seat <<< , 腰掛
腰を下げる: koshiosageru <<<
腰を上げる: koshioageru: stand up, get up <<<
腰を伸ばす: koshionobasu: stretch [straighten] oneself <<<
腰を抜かす: koshionukasu: be petrified (with terror), get scared to death, lose one's legs <<<
腰が重い: koshigaomoi: be slow in starting work <<<
腰の強い: koshinotsuyoi: strong kneed, resolute <<<
腰の弱い: koshinoyowai: weak kneed, irresolute <<<
腰の低い: koshinohikui: modest, humble, courteous <<<
腰を据える: koshiosueru: settle down (in a place, to one's work), steady oneself <<<
腰の据わらない: koshinosuwaranai: wavering, vacillating <<<
Kanji words: 腰掛 , 足腰 , 腰痛
Expressions: 喧嘩腰の
synonyms: ウエスト , ヒップ

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