Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 警察 , 経理 , 経歴 , 芥子 , 決死 , 決心 , 欠点 , 血圧 , 決意 , 家来


pronunciation: keisatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: police
警察に訴える: keisatsuniuttaeru: complain to the police <<<
警察に届ける: keisatsunitodokeru: report to the police <<<
警察官: keisatsukan: police officer <<<
警察庁: keisatsuchou: the Police Agency <<<
警察権: keisatsuken: police authority <<<
警察犬: keisatsuken: police dog <<<
警察医: keisatsui: police surgeon [medical officer] <<<
警察署: keisatsusho: police station <<<
警察署長: keisatsushochou: chief of a police station <<<
警察手帳: keisatsutechou: policeman's pocketbook <<< 手帳
警察国家: keisatsukokka: police state
警察学校: keisatsugakkou: police school, police academy <<< 学校
警察管区: keisatsukanku: police region
県警察: kenkeisatsu: prefectural police <<< , 県警
水上警察: suijoukeisatsu: water police <<< 水上
保安警察: hoankeisatsu: security police <<< 保安
国際警察: kokusaikeisatsu: International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol <<< 国際
check also 警官


pronunciation: keiri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: management, (business) administration, accounting
経理する: keirisuru: administer
経理部: keiribu: accountants's department <<<
経理部長: keiribuchou: administration [accountant] manager <<< 部長
経理事務: keirijimu: accountants' business
check also 会計


pronunciation: keireki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: career, record, one's [personal] history, one's background
経歴が良い: keirekigaii, keirekigayoi: have a good career [record] <<<
経歴が悪い: keirekigawarui: have a bad career [record] <<<
多彩な経歴: tasainakeireki: colorful career <<< 多彩
check also 履歴


pronunciation: keshi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ケシ, 罌粟   keyword: flower   
translation: poppy
芥子の実: keshinomi: poppy-seed <<<
芥子粒: keshitsubu <<<
芥子粒の様な: keshitsubunoyouna: as small as a pin's head <<<
芥子油: keshiabura: poppy oil <<<
芥子の花: keshinohana: corn poppy <<<
雛芥子: hinageshi <<<
オランダ芥子: orandagarashi: watercress <<< オランダ


pronunciation: kesshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: desperation, despair
決死の: kesshino: desperate, death-defying
決死の覚悟で: kesshinokakugode: at the risk of one's life, with desperate course <<< 覚悟
決死隊: kesshitai: forlorn hope, suicide corps <<<
check also 必死


pronunciation: kesshin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: determination, decision, will
決心する: kesshinsuru: determine, decide, make up one's mind
決心が付く: kesshingatsuku <<<
決心が付かない: kesshingatsukanai: be undecided
決心を翻す: kesshinnohirugaesu: go back on one's resolution <<<
check also 決意 , 覚悟


pronunciation: ketten   kanji characters: ,   
translation: trouble, fault, defect, flaw, shortcoming, weak point, blemish
欠点の有る: ketennnoaru: defective, faulty <<<
欠点の無い: kettennnonai: flawless, faultless, perfect <<<
欠点を捜す: kettennosagasu: pick a person's defects, find fault with <<<
欠点を隠す: kettennokakusu: conceal a defect <<<
欠点を直す: kettennonaosu: correct a defect <<<
欠点を改める: kettennoaratameru: correct oneself <<<
check also , 汚点


pronunciation: ketsuatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: blood pressure
血圧が高い: ketsuatsugatakai: have high blood pressure <<<
血圧が低い: ketsuatsugahikui: have low blood pressure <<<
血圧を測る: ketsuatsuohakaru: measure one's blood pressure <<<
血圧計: ketsuatsukei: (clinical) manometer <<<
低血圧: teiketsuatsu: hypotension <<<
高血圧: kouketsuatsu: hypertension <<<
check also 圧力


pronunciation: ketsui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: determination, decision, will
決意する: ketsuisuru: determine, decide, make up one's mind
check also 決心


pronunciation: kerai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: retainer, follower, servant, one's man, vassal
家来に成る: keraininaru: enter the service of a person., become a vassal of a person [a country] <<<
check also

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