Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'by'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 15
translation: edge, rim, cause (bor.)
縁: en: relation, connection, affinity, ties, bond, marriage, fate, destiny, karma <<< 関係
縁が近い: engachikai: be closely related <<<
縁が深い: engahukai <<<
縁が遠い: engatooi: be distantly related <<<
縁を結ぶ: ennomusubu: form a connection (with a person) <<< , 結婚
縁を切る: ennokiru: cut connections (with), break off (from), break with (a person) <<<
縁が無い: enganai: have no relations [relationship, chance], cannot get married <<<
縁: huchi: edge, rim, border, limit
縁を取る: huchiotoru: hem (v.), fringe, border <<<
縁を付ける: huchiotsukeru: frame (v.), border <<<
縁無しの: huchinashino: brimless, rimless, unframed <<<
縁る: yoru: be based on, be due to <<< , , ,
縁: yosuga: hold, clue, key <<< , 手掛り
縁みに: chinamini: incidentally, by the way <<<
縁: masa, mune, yasu, yori, yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 復縁 , 縁談 , 因縁 , 縁起 , 縁結び , 縁側 , 額縁 , 縁日 , 無縁 , 縁組
Expressions: 眼鏡の縁 , 夫婦の縁 , 親子の縁 , 帽子の縁

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: step, trample, go through, visit
踏む: humu: step [tread] on, go through, finish, value [estimate] (a thing), visit
踏まえる: humaeru: trample, consider
踏み荒す: humiarasu: trample down, ravage <<<
踏み替える: humikaeru: change step <<<
踏み固める: humikatameru: tread [stamp] down <<<
踏み切る: humikiru: step out of the ring, take off, make a bold start, take a plunge <<< , 踏切
踏み砕く: humikudaku: trample (a thing) to pieces <<<
踏み消す: humikesu: stamp [tread] out (the fire) <<<
踏み越える: humikoeru: step over (a thing) <<<
踏み込む: humikomu: step into, rush [break] into, trespass (on), make a raid (in, into) <<<
踏み倒す: humitaosu: trample down, bilk (a debt, a bill) <<<
踏み出す: humidasu: step forward, advance <<<
踏み付ける: humitsukeru: stamp down, stomp, tread on, insult <<< , 侮辱
踏ん付ける: hunZukeru <<<
踏み潰す: humitsubusu: smash (a thing) by treading on it <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏み外す: humihazusu: miss one's foot, lose one's footing <<<
踏み止まる: humitodomaru: remain, stand [hold] one's ground (against), make a stand (against), remain [stay] in office <<<
踏み均す: huminarasu: level (the earth) by treading down <<<
踏み鳴らす: huminarasu: stamp one's feet, tread heavily <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏んだり蹴ったり: hundarikettari: be treated like a dog, have insult added to injury <<<
Kanji words: 踏台 , 踏切 , 雑踏
Expressions: 轍を踏む , 猫踏んじゃった , 韻を踏む , 韻を踏んだ , 鞴を踏む , 舞台を踏む , 手続を踏む , アクセルを踏む , ペダルを踏む , ステップを踏む
synonyms: ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 17
translation: frost
霜: shimo: frost, hoar frost, white frost
霜が降りる: shimogaoriru: Frost falls [settles] <<<
霜で枯れる: shimodekareru: be blasted [nipped] by the frost <<<
Kanji words: 霜焼 , 霜柱

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: justice    nb of strokes: 18
translation: punish
懲らす: korasu: punish, give [teach] (a person) a lesson
懲らしめる: korashimeru
懲らしめ: korashime: punishment, discipline, chastisement
懲りる: koriru: learn [grow wiser] by experience, learn a bitter lesson, have a bitter experience
懲りない: korinai: undeterred
Kanji words: 懲戒 , 懲役

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 19
translation: parade of deer (org.), line up, connect, beautiful (ext.), graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい: uruwashii: beautiful, graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい声: uruwashiikoe: sweet [melodious] voice <<<
麗: urara: brightness (under sunshine)
麗かな: urarakana: bright (and clear), beautiful, glorious
麗かに: urarakani: brightly (under sunshine)
麗なる: tsuranaru: line up, stand in a row <<<
麗ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of) <<<
麗く: tsuku: connect, link
Kanji words: 華麗 , 秀麗 , 高麗 , 綺麗

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 20
translation: hang, suspend
ken, ke
懸ける: kakeru: hang (vt.), suspend <<<
懸かる: kakaru: hang (vi.)
懸け離れる: kakehanareru: be far apart (from), be widely different (from) <<<
懸け離れた: kakehanareta: by far <<<
Kanji words: 懸念 , 懸命 , 懸賞 , 懸巣 , 命懸
Expressions: 命を懸ける , 命を懸けて , 命懸けで

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fantasy    nb of strokes: 21
translation: demon, devil, fiend, magic
魔が差す: magasasu: be possessed [tempted] by an evil spirit <<<
魔を払う: maoharau: exorcise the devil <<<
Kanji words: 閻魔 , 魔神 , 魔女 , 魔性 , 魔王 , 魔力 , 断末魔 , 睡魔 , 魔手 , 魔物 , 魔術 , 悪魔 , 邪魔 , 魔法 , 誤魔化し
Expressions: 魔のカーブ

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 5
translation: buttocks, hips, bottom, rump, seat, base
尻: shiri
尻の穴: shirinoana: asshole <<<
尻から数えて: jirikarakazoete: from the bottom <<<
尻が長い: shiriganagai: stay too long <<<
尻が割れる: shiregawareru: be brought to light, be found out <<<
尻の軽い: shirinokarui: wanton, unchaste (woman) <<<
尻の重い: shirinoomoi: lazy, sluggish, indolent <<<
尻に火が点く: shirinihigatsuku: be pressed by urgent business
尻を叩く: shiriotataku: give a spanking to, spank, goad (a person to do) <<<
尻を捲る: shiriomakuru: assume a defiant attitude <<<
尻を向ける: shiriomukeru: turn the back (upon) <<<
尻を追う: shirioou: chase [run] after a woman <<<
尻を拭う: shirionuguu: pay for a person's loss, make up for a person's blunder <<<
Kanji words: 尻尾 , 帳尻 , 目尻
Expressions: 尻ポケット
synonyms: ヒップ

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 8
translation: fox, foxy (fig.)
狐: kitsune: fox
狐が鳴く: kitsuneganaku: bark, yelp <<<
狐の穴: kitsunenoana: fox kennel [burrow] <<<
狐の尾: kitsunenoo: fox brush <<<
狐の様な: kitsunenoyouna: foxy, vulpine <<<
狐に化かされる: kitsunenibakasareru: be bewitched by a fox <<<
狐に摘まれた様だ: kitsunenitsumamaretayouda: I am puzzled [mystified]
Kanji words: 銀狐
Expressions: 北極狐

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: it, that, those
其れ: sore
其れに: soreni: besides, moreover, what is more
其れにしても: sorenishitemo: but, still, for all that, nevertheless
其れにつけても: sorenitsuketemo: when I think of it
其れとも: soretomo: or, else
其れでも: soredemo: but, still, yet
其の: sono: that, those, its
其の上: sonoue: besides, moreover, what is more <<<
其の内: sonouchi: before long, soon, by and by, in the meantime, some day, one of these days <<<
其の癖: sonokuse: and yet, for all that, notwithstanding, nevertheless, none the less <<<
其の位: sonokurai: so much [many], as much [many] <<<
其の後: sonogo: after that, afterward, since then, from that time on <<<
其の頃: sonokoro: at [about] that time, then, in those days <<<
其の通り: sonotoori: Just so, You are [That's] right, Precisely, Exactly, Yes indeed [of course] <<<
其の時: sonotoki: at that time, then, on that occasion <<<
其の場で: sonobate: then and there, on the spot, offhand <<<
其の日: sonohi: on that day, the same day <<<
其の辺: sonohen: about there, thereabouts <<<
其の外: sonohoka: besides, moreover, in addition <<<
Kanji words: 其々 , 其所
Expressions: 其以来 , 其の都度 , 其れは苦手だ , 其自体 , 其れは駄目だ

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