Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 業務 , 御者 , 疑惑 , 空腹 , 苦心 , 孔雀 , 口紅 , 口元 , 靴紐 , 敬意


pronunciation: gyoumu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: business (n.), affairs, duties
業務に励む: gyoumunihagemu: attend to one's business, work hard at one's business <<<
業務に勤しむ: gyoumuniisoshimu <<<
業務を怠る: gyoumuookotaru: neglect one's business <<<
業務用: gyoumuyou: for business use <<<
業務上: gyoumujou: professional, business (a.) <<<
業務上過失: gyoumujoukashitsu: business negligence, professional blunder <<< 過失
業務上過失致死: gyoumujoukashitsuchishi: corporate manslaughter <<< 致死
業務拡張: gyoumukakuchou: extension of business <<< 拡張
業務提携: gyoumuteikei: business tie-up [collaboration]
業務規則: gyoumukisoku: rules of operation [procedure] <<< 規則
業務報告: gyoumuhoukoku: business report <<< 報告
業務管理: gyoumukanri: business management
業務管理者: gyoumukanrisha: manager, chief executive
業務時間: gyoumujikan: office [business] hours
業務命令: gyoumumeirei: business order <<< 命令
清掃業務: seisougyoumu: cleaning service <<< 清掃
日常業務: nichijougyoumu: daily business <<< 日常
check also ,


pronunciation: gyosha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: driver, coachman
御者台: gyoshadai: driver's seat [box] <<<


pronunciation: giwaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: doubt, suspicion
疑惑を抱く: giwakuoidaku: have a doubt, harbor a suspicion <<<
疑惑を招く: giwakuomaneku: excite [arouse] suspicions <<<
疑惑を解く: giwakuotoku: dispel person's suspicions <<<


pronunciation: kuuhuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: empty stomach, hunger
空腹な: kuuhukuna: hungry
空腹を感じる: kuuhukuokanjiru: feel hungry <<<
空腹に成る: kuuhukuninaru: be hungry <<<
空腹を満たす: kuuhukuomitasu: satisfy one's hunger <<<
空腹を凌ぐ: kuuhukuoshinogu: stave off hunger <<<
空腹に耐える: kuuhukunitaeru <<<
空腹を訴える: kuuhukuouttaeru: complain of hunger <<<


pronunciation: kushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: efforts, pains, hard work
苦心する: kushinsuru: take pains, do one's best [utmost], apply oneself to (the work), make every possible effort
苦心して: kushinshite: by hard work, with great pains
苦心作: kushinsaku: fruit of much labor <<<
苦心談: kushindan: account of one's hard experiences <<<
苦心惨憺する: kushinsantansuru: take great pains, toil and labor, make strenuous efforts
check also 努力 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: kujaku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: クジャク   keyword: bird   
translation: peafowl, peacock, peahen
孔雀の羽: kujakunohane: peacock's feather <<<
孔雀石: kujakuishi: malachite <<<


pronunciation: kuchibeni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: cosmetic   
translation: rouge, lipstick
口紅を付ける: kuchibeniotsukeru: rouge one's lips, apply rouge <<<
口紅を塗る: kuchibenionuru <<<
check also


pronunciation: kuchimoto   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 口許   keyword: body   
translation: mouth, lip
口元を窄める: kuchimotoosubomeru: turn one's nose up <<<
口元を歪める: kuchimotooyugameru: make a grimace <<<
口元が愛らしい: kuchimotogaairashii: have a sweet [lovely] mouth <<<
口元が可愛い: kuchimotogakawaii
check also


pronunciation: kutsuhimo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: footwear   
translation: shoelace, shoe-string
靴紐を結ぶ: kutsuhimoomusubu: lace up one's shoes <<<
靴紐を締める: kutsuhimooshimeru: tighten shoelaces <<<


pronunciation: keii   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: respect, reverence, regard, honor, homage
敬意を表す: keiioarawasu: pay one's respect [regard] (to), show one's respect, do honor [homage] (to) <<<
敬意を払う: keiioharau <<<
敬意を表して: keiioarawashite: out of respect for, in honor of <<<
check also 尊敬

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