Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 結果 , 欠勤 , 決心 , 欠席 , 欠場 , 欠乏 , 結末 , 懸念 , 見解 , 権限


pronunciation: kekka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: result (n.), effect, consequence, conclusion
結果が良い: kekkagaii: be successful***** <<<
結果が悪い: kekkagawarui: be unsuccessful <<<
結果を生じる: kekkaoshoujiru: result (end) in <<<
原因結果: genninkekka: cause and result, causality <<< 原因
意外な結果: igainakekka: unexpected result <<< 意外
検索結果: kensakukekka: search result <<< 検索
当然の結果: touzennnokekka: natural result <<< 当然


pronunciation: kekkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: absence (from one's duties), nonattendance
欠勤する: kekkinsuru: be absent (from duties, from school), absent oneself (from office)*****
欠勤者: kekkinsha: absentee <<<
欠勤率: kekkinritsu: absent rate <<<
欠勤届: kekkintodoke: report of absence <<<
欠勤届を出す: kekkintodokeodasu: tender a report of absence <<<
check also 欠席 , 出勤


pronunciation: kesshin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: determination, decision, will
決心する: kesshinsuru: determine, decide, make up one's mind
決心が付く: kesshingatsuku <<<
決心が付かない: kesshingatsukanai: be undecided*****
決心を翻す: kesshinnohirugaesu: go back on one's resolution <<<
check also 決意 , 覚悟


pronunciation: kesseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend*****
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 病気
check also 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: ketsujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: absence (in a game)
欠場する: ketsujousuru: be absent [not participate] (in a game)*****
check also 欠席


pronunciation: ketsubou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: want (n.), lack, privation, scarcity, shortage, dearth
欠乏する: ketsubousuru: lack (v.), want, be in want of, suffer from a shortage of, run out [short] of*****
欠乏の為: ketsubounotame: for lack of <<<
欠乏に耐える: ketsubounitaeru: endure shortage <<<
欠乏症: ketsuboushou: deficiency disease <<<


pronunciation: ketsumatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: literature   
translation: end, close, conclusion, termination, issue, result, denouement, settlement
結末が着く: ketsumatsugatsuku: come to an end [a close], be concluded, be settled***** <<<
結末を着ける: ketsumatsuotsukeru: conclude, settle, bring to an end [a conclusion]
check also 結果


pronunciation: kenen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fear, concern, apprehension
懸念する: kenensuru: be concerned, apprehensive*****
check also , 憂慮


pronunciation: kenkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: opinion, point of view, interpretation
見解を異にする: kenkaiokotonisuru: hold [have] a different view [opinion], differ in opinion (from a person), disagree (with a person) <<<
見解を一にする: kenkaioichinisuru: be of the same opinion (with a person), concur (with a person)***** <<<
見解が一致する: kenkaigaitchisuru: agree to, pull together
見解の相違だ: kenkainosouida: That is a matter of opinion
私の見解では: watashinokenkaideha: in my opinion [view] <<<
統一見解: touitsukenkai: consensus <<< 統一
公式見解: koushikikenkai: deliverance <<< 公式
check also 意見 , コメント


pronunciation: kengen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , computer   
translation: authority, power, authorized limit of rights, competence
権限内の: kengennnaino: authorized <<<
権限外の: kengengaino: unauthorized <<<
権限を与える: kengennoataeru: authorize, empower <<<
権限を越える: kengennokoeru: exceed one's authority [competence], act ultra vires <<<
権限の有る: kengennnoaru: be authorized (to do), have the right (to do)***** <<<

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