Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 意見 , 意識 , 医者 , 依存 , 位置 , 一位 , 一緒 , 一本 , 遺伝 , 今更


pronunciation: iken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: opinion, view, advice, remark, comment, judgment, observation, remonstration, reprimand, admonition
意見する: ikensuru: advise, remonstrate, admonish
意見を言う: ikennoiu: express one's opinion, opine <<<
意見を述べる: ikennonoberu <<<
意見を求める: ikennomotomeru: ask a person's opinion [views, advice] <<<
意見を叩く: ikennotataku <<<
意見に従う: ikennnishitagau: take [follow] a person's advice <<<
意見を曲げない: ikennomagenai: stick to one's opinion <<<
意見を異にする: ikennokotonisuru: disagree (with a person), have a different opinion [view] <<<
意見が一致する: ikengaitchisuru: be of the same opinion, agree (with a person about a matter)*****
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views
意見の対立: ikennnotairitsu: conflict of views
意見調査: ikenchousa: survey, opinion poll <<< 調査
check also コメント


pronunciation: ishiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: consciousness, sense
意識する: ishikisuru: be aware of*****
意識の有る: ishikinoaru: be conscious <<<
意識の無い: ishikinonai: be unconscious [senseless] <<<
意識を失う: ishikioushinau: lose consciousness <<<
意識的: ishikiteki: conscious, deliberate, intentional <<<
意識的に: ishikitekini: consciously, deliberately, intentionally
意識を回復する: ishikiokaihukusuru: recover consciousness, come to oneself <<< 回復
意識不明: ishikihumei: dim consciousness <<< 不明
美意識: biishiki: aesthetic sense <<<
無意識: muishiki: unconsciousness <<<
無意識の: muishikino: unconscious, involuntary
無意識に: muishikini: unconsciously, involuntarily, mechanically
民族意識: minzokuishiki: national consciousness <<< 民族
エリート意識: eriitoishiki: elite consciousness <<< エリート


pronunciation: isha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: (medical) doctor
医者を呼ぶ: ishaoyobu: call in a doctor, send a person for the doctor <<<
医者に掛かる: ishanikakaru: consult [see] a doctor <<<
医者に掛ける: ishanikakeru: make a person see a doctor
医者に掛かっている: ishanikakatteiru: be under the care of a doctor*****
歯医者: haisha: dentist <<<
目医者: meisha: oculist, eye doctor, ophthalmologist <<<
耳医者: mimiisha: otolaryngologist <<<
藪医者: yabuisha: charlatan, quack, mountebank <<<
check also 医師 , 博士


pronunciation: izon   kanji characters: ,   
translation: dependence
依存する: izonsuru: depend [rely] on, be dependent upon*****


pronunciation: ichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: situation, localization, position
位置する: ichisuru: be situated, [located, positioned]*****
位置を占める: ichioshimeru <<<
位置に就く: ichinitsuku: take a position <<<
位置が良い: ichigaii: be well situated <<<
位置が悪い: ichigawarui: be ill situated <<<
位置を定める: ichiosadameru: fix position, locate <<<
静止位置: seishiichi: off-position, normal position <<< 静止


pronunciation: ichii   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1位   keyword: sport   
translation: the first place
一位を占める: ichiioshimeru: be at the top (of), occupy the first place***** <<<
一位に位する: ichiinikuraisuru <<<
check also 一番


pronunciation: issho   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: total, whole, ensemble
一緒の: isshono: together, simultaneous
一緒に: isshoni: accompanied, together with, at the same time, simultaneously
一緒にする: isshonisuru: put [bring] together, mix up
一緒に成る: isshoninaru: be united with, mix with, get married***** <<<
一緒に住む: isshonisumu: live with a person, live under the same roof <<<
一緒に寝る: isshonineru: sleep together, share the bed <<<
一緒に歌う: isshoniutau: sing in chorus <<<
私と一緒に: watashitoisshoni: with me <<<
君と一緒に: kimitoisshoni: with you <<<


pronunciation: ippon   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1本   keyword: sport , unit   
translation: one piece, one stick, one hair, one roll, one gain, one blow, one stroke
一本取る: ippontoru: gain one point <<<
一本取られる: ippontorareru: be reduced to the silence by interlocutor, be defeated [beaten]*****
一本足の: ipponnashino: one-legged <<<
一本立ち: ippondachi: independence <<<
一本立ちの: ippondachino: independent, self-supporting
一本立ちする: ippondachisuru: become independent, stand on one's own legs
一本道: ipponmichi: straight road <<<
一本橋: ipponbashi: bridge of one tree trunk, tree trunk bridge <<<
一本化: ipponka: unification <<<
一本松: ipponmatsu: solitary pine tree <<<
一本気: ippongi: decided, determined, resolute <<<
一本槍: ipponnyari: lance thrust, master stroke, total commitment [devotion] <<<
一本調子: ipponchoushi: monotony <<< 調子
一本調子の: ipponchoushino: monotonous
チョーク一本: chookuippon: a piece of chalk <<< チョーク
ビール一本: biiruippon: a bottle of beer <<< ビール


pronunciation: iden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , medicine   
translation: heredity, inheritance
遺伝の: idennno: hereditary, genetic
遺伝する: idensuru: be hereditary, be transmitted*****
遺伝に因って: idennniyotte: hereditarily <<<
遺伝質: idenshitsu: genetic property, idioplasma <<<
遺伝学: idengaku: genetics <<<
遺伝学者: idengakusha: geneticist <<< 学者
遺伝子: idenshi: gene <<<
遺伝子型: idenshigata: genotype <<<
遺伝子工学: idenshikougaku: genetic engineering <<< 工学
遺伝子操作: idenshisousa: gene manipulation <<< 操作
遺伝子銀行: idenshiginkou: gene bank
遺伝病: idenbyou: hereditary disease <<<
遺伝情報: idenjouhou: genetic information
遺伝コード: idenkoodo: genetic code <<< コード


pronunciation: imasara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: now, after so long a time, when it is too late
今更仕方が無い: imasarashikataganai: It can't be helped now*****
今更仕様が無い: imasarashiyouganai, imasarashouganai
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai <<< 出来

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