Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 所謂 , 可笑し , 温度 , 快晴 , 開店 , 火気 , 過言 , 風向 , 風邪 , 片思


pronunciation: iwayuru   kanji characters: ,   
translation: what is called, what you (we, they) call, so-called


pronunciation: okashi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: amusing (anc.), funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical
可笑しい: okashii: amusing, funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical, strange, queer, suspicious, improper
可笑しな: okashina
可笑しがる: okashigaru: make fun of, find fun
可笑しな奴: okashinayatsu: queer [odd] fish <<<
可笑しな様子の: okashinayousuno: queer-looking, suspicious-looking <<< 様子
可笑しな話だが: okashinahanashidaga: strange to say, The funny [odd] thing is that <<<
可笑しさ: okashisa: funniness, ridiculousness
可笑しさを堪える: okashisaokoraeru: suppress one's laughter, keep one's face straight <<<
可笑しくて堪らない: okashikutetamaranai: be doubled [creased] up with laughter
頭が可笑しい: atamagaokashii: be crazy <<<
check also 面白


pronunciation: ondo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science , weather   
translation: temperature
温度が上がる: ondogaagaru: The temperature rises. <<<
温度が下がる: ondogasagaru: The temperature falls. <<<
温度が高い: ondogatakai: The temperature is high. <<<
温度が低い: ondogahikui: The temperature is low. <<<
温度を計る: ondoohakaru: take the temperature <<<
温度計: ondokei: thermometer
温度を調節する: ondoochousetsusuru: regulate [adjust] the temperature <<< 調節
温度測定: ondosokutei: thermometry <<< 測定
室内温度: shitsunaiondo: room temperature <<< 室内
臨界温度: rinkaiondo: critical temperature <<< 臨界
絶対温度: zettaiondo: absolute temperature <<< 絶対
check also 気温 , 体温


pronunciation: kaisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: fine [fair] weather
快晴です: kaiseidesu: It is very fine.


pronunciation: kaiten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: shop   
translation: shop opening
開店する: kaitensuru: open shop
開店日: kaitenbi: opening day <<<
開店時間: kaitenjikan: (shop) opening hours, opening time <<< 時間
開店披露: kaitenhirou: announcement of opening a shop <<< 披露
開店休業: kaitenkyuugyou: non business is done <<< 休業
新規開店: shinkikaiten: new opening [inauguration] <<< 新規
synonyms: 開業
antonyms: 閉店


pronunciation: kaki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: fire
火気厳禁: kakigenkin: The lighting of fires is prohibited


pronunciation: kagon   kanji characters: ,   
translation: exaggeration, hyperbole, overstatement
過言ではない: kagondehanai: It may fairly be said that, It is no exaggeration to say that


pronunciation: kazamuki, huukou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: direction of the wind, situation, humor
風向が変わる: kazamukigakawaru: The wind shifts, The direction of the wind changes <<<
風向が良い: kazamukigaii, kazamukigayoi: The wind is favorable, The wind turns for one, The situation is changing for the better <<<
風向が悪い: kazamukigawarui: The wind is unfavorable, The wind turns against one, The situation is changing for the worse <<<
風向を知る: kazamukioshiru: know [see] how the wind blows <<<
風向計: huukoukei: anemometer, wind vane <<<
check also 形勢 , 機嫌


pronunciation: kaze   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: cold, chill, influenza
風邪を引く: kazeohiku: catch cold <<<
風邪を引いている: kazeohiiteiru: have a cold
風邪を引き易い: kazeohikiyasui: catch a cold easily <<<
風邪が治らない: kazeganaoranai: cannot get away from the cold <<<
風邪を移す: kazeoutsusu: infect a person with a cold <<<
風邪が流行る: kazegahayaru: Flu is raging <<< 流行
風邪気味である: kazegimidearu: have a slight cold <<< 気味
風邪薬: kazegusuri: antiflu drug <<<
酷い風邪: hidoikaze: serious cold <<<
軽い風邪: karuikaze: slight cold <<<
鼻風邪: hanakaze: cold in the nose <<<
御多福風邪: otahukukaze: mumps, parotitis <<< 御多福
check also 感冒 , インフルエンザ


pronunciation: kataomoi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 片想   keyword: love   
translation: one-sided [unreturned, unrequited] love, one-sided love affair
片思する: kataomoisuru: One's love is not returned.

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