Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'my'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 9
translation: disobey, revolt, rebel, betray, back
背: se, sei: back, height (jp.)
背の高い: senotakai, seinotakai: tall, of high stature <<<
背の低い: senohikui, seinohikui: small, of low stature <<<
背が立つ: segatatsu: be able to stand (in water) <<<
背が立たない: segatatanai: be unable to stand (in water) <<<
背に腹は代えられぬ: seniharahakaerarenu: Necessity is a hard master, My shirt is nearer the skin than my coat
背負う: seou, shou: carry [have] (a thing) on the back, shoulder (v.) <<<
背負わせる: seowaseru, showaseru: load, burden (a person with a thing) <<<
背く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<< 裏切
背: ushiro: behind, back <<<
Kanji words: 背骨 , 背中 , 背伸 , 背信 , 背景 , 背泳ぎ , 背教 , 猫背
Expressions: 刀の背 , 道に背く , 規律に背く , 命令に背く , 道理に背いた , 忠告に背く

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: gloomy, sad, sorry
悲しい: kanashii: sad, sorrowful, woeful, mournful, tearful, pathetic, unhappy
悲しむ: kanashimu: sorrow (vi.) (at, over), grieve (at, over), be sad [sorrowful] (at), lament, deplore, mourn, regret
悲しませる: kanashimaseru: make (a person) sad
悲します: kanashimasu
悲しそうに: kanashisouni: sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully
悲しさ: kanashisa: sorrow, grief, distress, sadness, lamentation
悲しみ: kanashimi
悲しみの余り: kanashiminoamari: in (the excess of) one's sorrow [grief] <<<
悲しみに沈む: kanashiminishizumu: be in deep grief <<<
悲しく思う: kanashikuomou: feel sad [sorrowful] <<<
悲しい事には: kanashiikotoniha: to my sorrow, sad to say, It is a pity that <<<
Kanji words: 悲鳴 , 悲願 , 悲劇 , 悲観 , 慈悲 , 悲惨 , 悲哀

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 19
translation: pray, wish, desire, beg, request
gan, gen
願: gan: wish, desire, beg, request
願が適う: gangakanau: One's prayer is answered <<<
願を掛ける: gannokakeru: make a vow (to a god) <<<
願う: negau: wish (v.), desire, beg, entreat, implore, petition, pray, request
願い: negai: wish (n.), desire, petition
願い下げる: negaisageru: withdraw a request [suit] <<<
願い出る: negaideru: make an application to (a person), apply (to a person for a thing) <<<
願いが叶う: negaigakanau: have one's wishes granted, have one's prayer answered, One's wishes come true, One's prayer is heard [answered] <<<
願いを聞き入れる: negaiokikiireru: grant a person's request
願いを聞き入れない: negaiokikiirenai: refuse a person's request
願ったり叶ったり: negattarikanattari: Everything has turned out in my favor <<<
願わくば: negawakuba: hopefully
願わしい: negawashii: desirable, preferable <<<
お願い: onegai: please
お願いします: onegaishimasu: please (pol.)
Kanji words: 祈願 , 出願 , 念願 , 悲願 , 御願 , 志願 , 願望 , 請願 , 本願 , 哀願
Expressions: 叶わぬ願い , 捜索願 , 辞職願 , 休暇願

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: religion    nb of strokes: 14
translation: swear, vow, pledge, pawn, oath
誓う: chikau: swear, vow (v.), pledge, pawn
誓って: chikatte: upon my honor, I swear (that, to do)
誓い: chikai: oath, vow (n.), pledge
誓いを守る: chikaiomamoru: keep one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを破る: chikaioyaburu: break one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを立てる: chikaiotateru: swear an oath <<<
Expressions: 秘密を誓う , 忠誠を誓う

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 13
translation: father, old man
爺: chichi: father <<<
爺: jiji: old man <<< 老人
爺: oyaji: my father (jp.) <<< 親父
Expressions: 狒々爺

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 10
translation: dependent son
sai, sotsu
倅: segare: one's son, my son
synonyms: 息子

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