Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'ý}eý}hý}[ý}n'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fest    nb of strokes: 10
translation: feast, party, enjoy
宴: sakamori: feast, party, binge <<< 酒盛
宴: utage
宴のあと: utagenoato: After the Banquet (novel of Yukio Mishima, 1960)
宴しむ: tanoshimu: enjoy <<<
Kanji words: 宴会 , 祝宴 , 小宴
Expressions: 告別の宴 , 月見の宴 , 花見の宴 , 送別の宴 , 結婚披露宴

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: rescue, help, aid, relief
援く: hiku: pull (pull the hand to help), draw, haul <<<
援ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support <<<
Kanji words: 支援 , 援助 , 後援 , 援護 , 救援 , 応援

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 13
translation: monkey, macaque
猿: saru
猿の様な: sarunoyouna: apelike, apish, monkeyish <<<
猿も木から落ちる: sarumokikaraochiru: Even the best have their failures, Even Homer sometimes nods
Expressions: 猿の惑星 , 猿真似 , 猿芝居

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: material    nb of strokes: 13
translation: lead
鉛: namari: lead (n.)
鉛の: namarino: lead (a.), leaden
Kanji words: 鉛筆 , 亜鉛
Expressions: 炭酸鉛 , 塩化鉛 , 鉛中毒 , 酢酸鉛

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: smoke, smoky, haze
煙: kemuri: smoke (n.)
煙る: kemuru: be smoky, look dim
煙い: kemui: smoky, filled with smoke, fumous, feel awkward (jp.)
煙たい: kemutai
煙: kemutagaru: feel awkward [ill at ease], be rather afraid of, keep (a person) at a respectful distance
煙を出す: kemuriodasu: smoke (vt.) <<<
煙が出る: kemurigaderu: smoke (vi.) <<<
煙が立つ: kemurigatatsu <<<
煙にする: kemurinisuru: lose, throw away <<<
煙に成る: kemurininaru: end in smoke <<<
煙に巻く: kemurinimaku: bewilder, nonplus, mystify, fool <<<
煙に巻かれる: kemurinimakareru: be overwhelmed [suffocated] by smoke, be mystified [bewildered] <<<
Kanji words: 喫煙 , 煙管 , 煙幕 , 狼煙 , 煙草 , 硝煙 , 禁煙 , 煙突
synonyms: スモーク

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 15
translation: edge, rim, cause (bor.)
縁: en: relation, connection, affinity, ties, bond, marriage, fate, destiny, karma <<< 関係
縁が近い: engachikai: be closely related <<<
縁が深い: engahukai <<<
縁が遠い: engatooi: be distantly related <<<
縁を結ぶ: ennomusubu: form a connection (with a person) <<< , 結婚
縁を切る: ennokiru: cut connections (with), break off (from), break with (a person) <<<
縁が無い: enganai: have no relations [relationship, chance], cannot get married <<<
縁: huchi: edge, rim, border, limit
縁を取る: huchiotoru: hem (v.), fringe, border <<<
縁を付ける: huchiotsukeru: frame (v.), border <<<
縁無しの: huchinashino: brimless, rimless, unframed <<<
縁る: yoru: be based on, be due to <<< , , ,
縁: yosuga: hold, clue, key <<< , 手掛り
縁みに: chinamini: incidentally, by the way <<<
縁: masa, mune, yasu, yori, yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 復縁 , 縁談 , 因縁 , 縁起 , 縁結び , 縁側 , 額縁 , 縁日 , 無縁 , 縁組
Expressions: 眼鏡の縁 , 夫婦の縁 , 親子の縁 , 帽子の縁

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: stoop, bend, crouch, as if, as though, just like
宛も: atakamo: as if, as though, just like, so to speak, as it were
宛む: kagamu: stoop, lean over, bend forward, crouch <<<
宛: ate: addressed to (jp.)
宛: zutsu: for each (jp.)
Kanji words: 宛名

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: garden    nb of strokes: 8
translation: garden
en, on, utsu
苑: sono

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: curse, score, blame
en, on
怨む: uramu
Kanji words: 怨恨

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: I, me, my
俺: ware: I , me
俺: ore: I (for a man), me
俺の: oreno: my
俺に: oreni: me, to me
俺は: orewa: I am
Expressions: 俺の親父
synonyms: , ,

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