Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'e?i'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 5
translation: eternal, perpetual, forever
永い: nagai: eternal, perpetual <<<
永: tokoshie: eternity <<<
Kanji words: 永眠 , 永住 , 永世 , 永遠 , 永久

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 7
translation: doctor, medicine, quiver (n., conf.)
i, ei
医す: iyasu: heal, cure <<<
医: utsubo: quiver (n.)
Kanji words: 軍医 , 医師 , 医者 , 医薬 , 医院 , 医療 , 医学 , 獣医
Expressions: 外科医 , 手術医 , 警察医 , 医学部 , 麻酔医 , 家庭医 , 堕胎医 , 学校医 , 漢方医 , 解剖医 , 医学生 , 医化学 , 開業医 , 歯科医 , 耳科医 , 内科医 , 専門医 , 当直医 , 耳鼻咽喉科医 , 眼科医

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: swimming    nb of strokes: 8
translation: swim, swimming
泳ぐ: oyogu: swim
泳ぎ: oyogi: swimming
泳ぎに行く: oyoginiiku: go swimming, go for a swim <<<
泳ぎ上る: oyoginoboru: swim against the stream <<<
泳ぎ下る: oyogikudaru: swim down the stream <<<
泳ぎ切る: oyogikiru: swim across (a river) <<<
Kanji words: 水泳 , 平泳ぎ , 背泳ぎ
Expressions: 必死に泳ぐ , クロールで泳ぐ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: flower, beautiful, excellent, England (suff.)
英: hana: flower <<<
英: hanabusa: flower bunch
英でる: hiideru: excellent <<<
Kanji words: 英国 , 英知 , 蒲公英 , 英明 , 英霊 , 英語 , 英雄
Expressions: 英作文 , 英政府 , 英会話 , 英文法 , 英単語
check also イギリス

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: optics    nb of strokes: 9
translation: reflect, mirror (v.), shine, bright
ei, you
映る: utsuru: be reflected [mirrored] (in), fall upon, be taken, suit, match
映す: utsusu: describe, depict, reflect, mirror (v.), take a photograph [picture] of, photograph
映える: haeru: shine (v.), be bright, look to advantage, be set off (by)
Kanji words: 反映 , 映像 , 放映 , 映画 , 映写
Expressions: 鏡に映る

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: prosper, flourish, thrive, shine
ei, you
栄る: sakaeru: prosper, flourish, thrive
栄え: sakae: prosperity, welfare, glory
栄える: haeru: shine <<<
Kanji words: 栄螺 , 栄光 , 光栄 , 見栄 , 栄誉 , 栄華 , 栄養 , 繁栄
Expressions: 出来栄え

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 12
translation: (walled) house, carry on (ext.), conduct business, practice, business, occupation
営む: itonamu: carry on, conduct business, practice
営み: itonami: business, occupation
Kanji words: 経営 , 国営 , 民営 , 営業 , 運営 , 設営
Expressions: 旅館を営む , 事業を営む , 商業を営む

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: nature    nb of strokes: 12
translation: scene, shade
kei, ei
景: kei: scene, gift (jp.), present
景: hikage: shade <<< 日陰
景: keshiki: scene, landscape <<< 景色
Kanji words: 光景 , 景況 , 夜景 , 背景 , 景色 , 風景 , 景気

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: travel , literature    nb of strokes: 12
translation: sing, chant, recite a poem
詠う: utau: sing, chant, recite a poem <<< , , ,
詠む: yomu: make a poem (jp.) <<<
詠める: nagameru: take a view (jp.), look at, stare at, gaze at [on, into], watch <<<
詠め: nagame: view (jp.), prospect, landscape, scenery <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: optics    nb of strokes: 15
translation: shade, shadow, silhouette, figure
ei, you
影: kage: shade, shadow, silhouette, figure, reflection, image, sign, trace
影が差す: kagegasasu: cast [throw] a shadow (on) <<<
影の様な: kegenoyouna: shadowy <<<
影も形も無い: kagemokatachimonai: Nothing remains of it, There is no trace of it
影も形も見えない: kagemokatachimomienai
影を隠す: kageokakusu: hide away, secrete oneself, disappear <<<
影を潜める: kageohisomeru <<<
影が薄い: kagegausui: look as if one were shadowed by death, be in a back seat <<<
Kanji words: 幻影 , 面影 , 撮影 , 火影 , 影響
Expressions: 噂をすれば影 , 影武者 , 影の銀行
synonyms: , シルエット

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