Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: Tanaka Makiko

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Tanaka Makiko

田中真紀子 田中眞紀子
alternative words: Makiko Tanaka
keywords: statesman
related topics: Tanaka Kakuei , Koizumi Junichiro , Jiminto , Ministry of foreign affairs
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1944 in Tokyo as a daughter of Tanaka Kakuei. Graduated from Waseda university, she was first elected in fief of his father, Niigata in 1993 and became technology minister in the next year. Being a good orator, she is very popular among Jiminto's supporters. She was appointed as foreign minister of Koizum's cabinet in 2001 but provoked soon a trouble due to her anti American and pro China stance, and was dismissed from the cabinet position.

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