Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: Hatoyama Yukio

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Hatoyama Yukio

alternative words: Yukio Hatoyama
keywords: statesman
related topics: Hatoyama Ichiro , Jiminto , Minshuto , Kan Naoto
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explanation: Born in 1947 in Tokyo in a politician family: his grandfather, Hatoyama Ichiro, prime minister and his father, Hatoyama Iichiro, foreign minister. After graduated at Tokyo university and Harvard university, he was elected in diet in 1986 under the banner of Jiminto. In 1993, he left Jiminto and founded Shinto Sakigake with Kan Naoto. In 1996, he founded another party, Minshuto with Kan Naoto. He is expected to become the 93th Japanese prime minister after a coming general election of August 2009.

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