Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Zenkunen Gosannen war

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Zenkunen Gosannen war

前九年・後三年の役 前九年の役 後三年の役
alternative words: Zenkunen Gosannen disturbance, Zenkunen Gosannen no eki, Zenkunen war, Gosannen war, Zenkunen no eki, Gosannen no eki
keywords: war
related topics: Ezo , Heian period , Genji
related web sites: , ,
explanation: 2 large wars in Tohoku region during Heian period. Zenkunen war was provoked by Abe no Yoritoki which refused to give the tax collected in his fief. Yamato court sent Minamoto no Yoriyoshi in 1051 to beat him. The disturbance was put down in 1062 with an aid of Kiyohara clan. Gosannen war was provoked by a family quarrel of Kiyohara clan in 1083 and put down by Minamoto no Yoshiie in 1087. After the wars, the eastern Japan became a power base of Genji clan.

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