Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Yamagata Aritomo

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Yamagata Aritomo

alternative words: Aritomo Yamagata
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman
related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Genro
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explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Choshu. After having studied from Yoshida Shoin, he organized Kiheitai to control Choshu domain then to repel the 2e attack of Edo shogunate. After Meiji restoration in 1868, he was sent to Europe to study the military institution. After a death or fall of great contributors of Meiji revolution, he shared the power with Ito Hirobumi and led the wars against China in 1895 and Russia in 1905. He always hated political parties. He died in 1922.

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