Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Tsuba

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alternative words: Sword guard, Japanese sword guard
keywords: art , craft
related topics: Japanese sword , Heian period , Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Azuchi Momoyama period , Edo period
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explanation: Initially made with iron or copper of about 8 cm diameter, it was transformed to superposed leather in the late Heian period due to its suppleness. Because the leather deteriorates in the end, tsuba became again metallic in Muromachi period. Inlaying other materials (Zogan) or with an openwork (Sukashibori), tsuba became a complex art work and gave famous artists such as Umetada Myoju of Azuchi Momoyama period, and Hayashi Shigeharu, Hirata Hikozo and Shimizu Jingoro of Edo period.

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