Tenjin天神 天神様alternative words: Tenjinsama, Tenjin-sama, Tenjin sama keywords: god related topics: Heian period , Dazaifu related web sites: http://www.kitanotenmangu.or.jp , http://www.dazaifutenmangu.or.jp explanation: After a high ranked politician of Heian period, Sugawara no Michizane, had been forced to exile to Dazaifu in Kyushu due to a false accusation and died there in 803, many natural calamities occurred in Kyoto. People, being afraid of his angry spirit, built a shrine at Kitano in Kyoto (Kitano Tenmangu shrine) to enshrine him as Tenjin (Heavenly god). Maichizane being also a well known scholar, Tenzin became a god of school and studies, and there exist 5000 child shrines of Tenmangu. | |