Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Tanabata

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七夕 七夕祭り
alternative words: Tanabata festival, Star festival, Tanabatamatsuri, Tanabata matsuri, Tanabata no sekku, Tanabata sekku
keywords: china , festival
related topics: Sekku , Nebuta
related web sites: ,
explanation: It comes from a Chines legend: the 2 lovers symbolized by Weaver Star (Vega) and Cowherd Star (Altair) are allowed to meet each other on July 7 of each year. The celebration of this legend has become popular because other festivals like Sekku (festival of seasonal change) and Bon (festival of ancestors) fall approximately on the same season. Some regions observe Tanabata in the early August following the old lunar calendar, such as Nebuta festival in Aomori and Tanabata festival in Sendai.

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