Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Takeda shingen

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Takeda Shingen

alternative words: Shingen Takeda, Shingen, Takeda Singen
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Uesugi Kenshin , Imagawa Yoshimoto
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explanation: Born in 1521 as the eldest son of Nobutora in Yamanashi prefecture. In 1541 he inherited the father's feud by expelling him from the country. He tried first to expand his territory toward the north and entered a conflict with another strong war lord, Uesugi Kensin. Both being good tacticians, the battle of Kawanakajima ended in a draw. After the death of Imagawa Yoshimoto, he raised a big army to occupy Kyoto and died due to illness during a battle against Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1573.

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