Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Susano

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須佐之男命 須佐之男
alternative words: Susano no mikoto, Susanou, Susanou no mikoto, God Susano, Prince Susano
keywords: god , mythology
related topics: Izanagi Izanami , Amaterasu , Yamato dynasty , Izumo dynasty , Yamata no orochi , Kojiki
explanation: Born from god Izanagi, he is considered responsible of the ocean. His sister, Amaterasu, being furious with his violence, had driven him away from the Heaven (Takamagahara) and he went to Izumo (actual Shimane prefecture). There he killed a big snake with 8 heads (Yamata no orochi) when Princess Kushi inada was going to be scarified. He founded then Izumo dynasty. Amaterasu is said his sister but it may mean rather a political alliance between Yamato and Izumo dynasties.

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