Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Soto sect

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Soto sect

alternative words: Sotoshu sect, Sotoshu, Soto-shu, Soto shu, Soutou sect, Soutoushu sect, Soutoushu, Soutou-shu, Soutou shu
keywords: buddhism , sect
related topics: Eihe Dogen , Rinzai sect , Zen
related web sites: , ,
explanation: One of the 5 major Zen sects in China. It was implemented in Japan by Dogen in 1227. It developed first under a shadow of Rinzai sect. It became independent when Dogen moved to Eheji temple of Fukui prefecture. After the death of Dogen, the sect suffered a scission and it is Daijoji temple of Ishikawa prefecture who became the center of sect with Keizan as leader. Contrary to Rinzai sect, it prefers a gradual enlightening thanks to long and austere meditations.

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