Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Shugo daimyo

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Shugo daimyo

alternative words: Shugodaimyo
keywords: title , war lord
related topics: Shugo , Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Daimyo , Takeda shingen , Imagawa Yoshimoto
explanation: Initially appointed by Kamakura shogunate in order to watch Gokenin of each province (Kuni), Shugo transformed gradually the appointed province to his own fief and the post heritable, when shoguns became weak at the end of Kamakura period. Muromachi shogunate was considered merely a coalition government powerful shugo daimyo. "Sengoku daimyo" then came to replace shugo daimyo. Takeda clan of Yamanashi and Imagawa clan of Shizuoka were shugo daimyo.

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