Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Shugendo

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alternative words: Shugen-do, Shugen do, Shugendou
keywords: mystery , religion , shintoism
related topics: Esoteric Buddhism , Shingon sect , Tendai sect , Yamabushi , Heian period , Nara period , Shintoism , En no ozunu
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explanation: Merging a mountain faith proper to Japan and Esoteric Buddhism coming from China, this religious practice had become popular during Heian period though En no ozunu of Nara period is considered the founder. It consists to carry out ascetic religious disciplines in mountains in order to increase the spiritual power. The members of this religious order are called "Yamabushi" and usually adhere to Shingon or Tendai sects. Their favorite training grounds are Mts Dewa, Futara, Ontake, Hakusan etc.

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