
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Sakata no Kintaro

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Sakata no kintaro

坂田金太郎 坂田金時 金太郎 怪童丸
alternative words: Kintaro, Sakata no Kintoki, Sakatano Kintaro, Kaido maru, Kintarou
keywords: craft , famous person , kabuki , tale
related topics: Konjaku monogatari , Heian period , Edo period , Kabuki , Tango no sekku
related web sites: ,
explanation: A legendary figure of Heian period and one of 4 followers (Shitenno) of Minamoto no Yorimitsu who killed a famous bandit, Shutendoji of Mt Oeyama. According to Konjaku monogatari he would be raised by a yamauba (mountain witch) and trained his force with bears at Mt Ashigara near Hakone. During Edo period, he appeared in Joruri and Kabuki plays as a red boy with an ax and a stomach cover. His doll is also set during the boy's festival (Tango no sekku) in May.

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