Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Rinzai sect

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Rinzai sect

alternative words: Rinzaishu sect, Rinzaishu, Rinzai-shu, Rinzai shu
keywords: buddhism , china , sect
related topics: Myoan Yosai , Buddhism , Zen , Tendai sect , Shingon sect , Kamakura period , Muromachi period
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explanation: One of the 5 major Zen sects in China. It was implemented in Japan by Yosai in 1191 when he built the first Zen temple, Seifukuji, in Fukuoka. Contrary to Soto sect of Dogen, it has remained reconciling with other sects such as Tendai and Shingon. It give the importance to "Koan" (questionnaires to mediate) and fast enlightening. The monastery's network of Gozan (5 main monasteries) held up by shoguns had been prosperous during Kamakura and Muromachi periods.

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