Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Onmyodo

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陰陽道 陰陽道
alternative words: Onmyo-do, Onmyo do, Onmyoudo, Onmyou-do, Onmyou do
keywords: china , mystery , ninja , philosophy , religion
related topics: In-yo go-gyo setsu , Abe no Seimei , Heian period , Ninjutsu , Oni , Fusui
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explanation: Astrology of Chinese origin. It interprets every human activity and fate with an astrology based on Inyo gogyo setsu It had been introduced into Japan in the 7th century by Buddhist priests, but unable to build complex astrological apparatus, only the divination branch had known a significant development. After Heian period, it has been degenerated to simple popular superstitions. Abeno Seimei (921-1005) is the most famous specialist of this discipline.

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