Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Okuninushi

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大国主命 大物主命 大己貴命
alternative words: Okuninushi no mikoto, Okuninushi no kami, Onamuchi no mikoto, Ookuninushi
keywords: god , mythology
related topics: Shintoism , Susano , Izumo dynasty , Fudoki , Kojiki , 7 fortune gods , Daikoku
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explanation: Shinto deity of Izumo dynasty and son or son in law of Susano. According to Kojiki, he had been tormented by brothers but finally he got the throne by marrying princess Suseri. He also saved a white rabbit nearly killed by sharks (legend of Inaba no shirousagi). According to Izumo Fudoki, he was not merely a local deity but a creator of the world together with Sukunahikona no mikoto. During the middle ages, Okuninushi was confounded with Daikokuten of 7 fortune gods.

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