
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Okubo Toshimichi

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Okubo Toshimichi

alternative words: Toshimichi Okubo, Ookubo Toshimichi, Toshimichi Ookubo
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Choshu domain , Saigo Takamori , Kido Takayoshi
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explanation: Born in 1830 in a samurai family of Satsuma domain. First, with Saigo Takamori, he strove for the political reform of Statsuma domain. Understood a need of the suppression of Edo shogunate, he promoted an alliance with Choshu domain for this goal, by becoming a friend with Kido Takayoshi. After the disappearance of Edo shogunate, he strove to make Japan a powerful centralized country by suppressing the feudal system. He was assassinated in 1878 by an unhappy samurai.

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