Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Nanbokucho period

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Nanbokucho period

alternative words: Southern and northern courts, South and north courts, Nanbokucho, Nanbokucho schism, Nanbokucho jidai, Nanbokucho era
keywords: epoch
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Emperor Godaigo , Ashikaga Takauji , Kusunoki Masashige , Taiheiki
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explanation: First, Emperor Godaigo successfully threw out Kamakura shogunate in 1333 with an aid of Nitta Yoshisada and Ashikaga Takauji. But soon Godaigo had to flee to Yoshino mountains to establish the southern court, due to a treason of Takauji who nominated Emperor Komei to form the northern court at Kyoto in 1337. Though the supporters of the southern court had been decimated, the division subsisted until 1392 due to an internal conflict of Muromachi shogunate.

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