Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Motoori Norinaga

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Motoori Norinaga

alternative words: Norinaga Motoori
keywords: famous person , philosophy , scholar
related topics: Edo period , Kojiki , Kokugaku
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explanation: Kokugaku philosopher. Born in 1730 in a rich merchant family of Ki domain. Soon his family business declined, he had to go to Kyoto to study the medicine to earn a living. After having returned back to home, he continued to study classic literature. In 1762, he met Kamo Mabuchi and became his disciple. After a long study of Kojiki, he published in 1798 Kojiki-den which affirms a supremacy of Japanese ideology over Confucianism and Buddhism. Hirata Atsutane was his disciple.

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