Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Mogami Tokunai

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Mogami Tokunai

alternative words: Tokunai Mogami
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory
related topics: Edo shogunate , Ezochi , Honda Toshiaki
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explanation: Explorer of Ezochi, actual Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kuril, at the end of Edo period. Born in 1754 in Yamagata prefecture, he learned first astronomy and surveying technique at Tokyo from a mathematician, Honda Toshiaki. Engaged by Edo shogunate instead of Toshiaki, he explored different parts of Ezochi, especially south Kuril (1786) and south Sakhalin (1792). Knowing Ainu and Russian languages, he gave good advises about Ezochi to Edo shogunate. He died in 1836.

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