Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Mizuno Tadakuni

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Mizuno Tadakuni

alternative words: Tadakuni Mizuno
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Roju , Edo shogunate , Daimyo , Hatamoto , Tenpo reform
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explanation: Born in 1794 as a son of daimyo of northern Kyushu. An ambitious young man, he was first appointed Sojaban (responsible of shogun's protocol) in 1814 then climbed all the rungs of Edo shogunate to become finally roju in 1834. In order to suppress the budget deficit, he launched Tenpo reform with 12th shugun Tokugawa Ieyoshi. He tried to concentrate shogun's land around Edo (Agechirei) but it provoked a strong opposition among hatamoto and daimyo and forced him to resign roju. He died in 1851.

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