Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Meiji revolution

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Meiji revolution

明治維新 王政復古
alternative words: Revolution of Meiji, Meiji restoration, Restoration of meiji, Meijiishin, Meiji ishin, Meji ishin
keywords: event , meiji revolution
related topics: Saigo Takamori , Sakamoto Ryoma , Katsu Kaishu , Bakumatsu , Tokugawa Yoshinobu , Edo shogunate , Kanagawa treaty , Meiji period
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explanation: The signature of Kanagawa treaty in 1853 provoked a great impact among Japanese nationalists. Initially a struggle between pro and con of the westernization of Japan, it degenerated to a dispute between pro and con of Tokugawa regime. The latter was formed essentially with Shimazu and Mori clans and nobility of Kyoto. Though numerically inferior, but better equipped, they defeated Tokugawa army at the battle of Toba-Fushimi in January 1868 and Tokugawa regime collapsed soon.

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