Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Meiji constitution

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Meiji constitution

明治憲法 大日本帝国憲法
alternative words: Constitution of Meiji, Japanese imperial constitution, Meiji kenpo, Constitution of the Empire of Japan
keywords: law
related topics: Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi
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explanation: After Meiji revolution, Japan strove to westernize their institution, so Ito Hiromumi and others drafted a constitution following Prussian model. It was promulgated in February 1889 and took effect in November 1890. Though it guaranteed a separation of 3 powers (government, legislation and justice), due to an extra power confined to the Emperor through Sumitsuin (privy council) and army, the government remained unstable. It ended in 1947 with the application of a new constitution.

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