Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Manshukoku

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alternative words: Manshu koku, Manchukuo, Manchoukuo, Manchu kuo, Manchou kuo
keywords: china , colony , russia
related topics: Guandong army , Manchurian incident , Nomonhan incident
related web sites: , ,
explanation: After Manchurian incident in September 1931, Japanese Guandong army conquered quickly all the Manchuria and created a puppet state by putting the last Chinese emperor Puyi (Fugi) to the throne and Changchun (Shinkyo) as capital. The League of nations sent Lytton commission and condemned it but Japan preferred to leave the League of nations. The country was industrialized by a Japanese trust, Manchuria Heavy Industry Company (Manshu Jukogyo Kaihatsu Kaisha) and existed until August 1945.

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