Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Manchurian incident

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Manchurian incident

alternative words: Manshu incident, Manshujihen, Manshu jihen
keywords: china , colony , event , war
related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army
related web sites: , ,
explanation: In order to recover Japan from a severe economic crisis, the general stuff of Japanese Guandong army, Ishiwara Kanji and Itagaki Seishiro had planed to make Manchuria as Japanese colony. First, they blew up Manchurian railroad on 18 September, 1931 (Ryujoko incident) without authorization of the central government, then they conquered the whole Manchuria in 3 months by pretending to protect Japanese interests against China. Then, Manshukoku was created with Puyi as emperor.

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