Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kyoto shoshidai

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Kyoto shoshidai

alternative words: Kyoto deputy
keywords: office , title
related topics: Muromachi period , Edo shogunate , Roju , Kebiishi , Rokuhara tandai , Daimyo , Bakumatsu , Heiankyo
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explanation: During Muromachi period, "Kyoto shoshidai" was dealing with the police and judicial affairs of Kyoto like Kebiishi of Heian period and "Rokuhara tandai" of Kamakura period. Edo shugunate gave him a prerogative to monitor the activity of imperial court and daimyo of Kansai region and the post was considered springboard to Roju, the supreme function of Edo shogunate. During Bakumatsu period, Kyoto shoshidai and Osaka jodai were under the control of "Kyoto shugoshoku".

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