Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kukai

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空海 弘法大師
alternative words: Kuukai, Kobodaishi, Kobo-daishi, Kobo daishi, Kouboudaishi, Kobotaishi, Kouboutaishi
keywords: buddhism , china , famous person , priest
related topics: Shingon sect , Heian period , Buddhism , Esoteric Buddhism , Saicho
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explanation: Born in 774 in Kagawa prefecture. He learned first in Buddhism and Confucianism Kinki region. Then he trained in different sanctuaries for 7 years and left many legends with the name of Kobotaishi. In 804, he went to China with Saicho to bring a new Buddhism doctrine (Esoteric Buddhism) to Japan and created Shingon sect. Kongobuji temple opened by him at Mount Koya in Wakayama prefecture still remains an important sanctuary. He died in 835.

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