
Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Izanagi Izanami

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Izanagi Izanami

伊邪那岐・伊邪那美 伊邪那岐命 伊邪那美命
alternative words: Izanami Izanagi, Izanagi, Izanami, God Izanagi, Godess Izanami, Izanaki, God Izanaki
keywords: god , mythology
related topics: Amaterasu , Susano , Tsukuyomi , Kojiki , Nihonshoki , Oyashima
explanation: The first concrete deity in Japanese mythology. Initially the Earth's surface had been covered with mud. When god Izanagi put his saber into mud and pull out, the drops coagulated themselves to form Onokoro island. There, Izanagi and his wife Izanami made love and gave birth to the 8 Japanese main islands (Oyashima). Then Izanami gave birth to many Japanese gods. When she gave birth a fire god, she died of the burn and became the guard of the Hell. Then Izanagi created Amaterasu, Susano and Tsukuyomi.

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