Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Honen

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法然 法然聖人
alternative words: Holly Honen, Honen shonin, Hounen, Hounen shounin
keywords: buddhism , famous person , priest
related topics: Heian period , Jodo sect , Shinran
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1133 in Okayama prefecture in a samurai family. After the killing of his father, he was sent to Enryakuji temple to study Buddhism. Unhappy with Tendai sect of Enryakuji, he retired in Kurotani monastery to study and carry our an ascetic practice. Then, he went to Kyoto and began directly preach the people. Because of a simplicity of his teaching, his sect became popular but soon it was greatly persecuted because of jealousy of other sects. Shinran is one of his disciples of the period.

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