Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Honda Toshiaki

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Honda Toshiaki

alternative words: Toshiaki Honda
keywords: famous person , northern territory , scholar
related topics: Ezochi , Edo shogunate , Mogami Tokunai
explanation: Born in Niigata prefecture in 1743. He came to Tokyo at the age 18 to learn mathematics and astronomy. He opened his own school at the age 24. In 1801, he navigated to Hokkaido as captain. In 1808, he was asked to explore Ezochi by Edo shogunate but recommended his disciple, Mogami Tokunai. He wrote "Keisei Hisaku", a book where he recommended a state managed foreign trade and colonization of Ezochi to overcome an economic problem of Japan. He died in 1820.

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