Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Hattori Hanzo

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Hattori Hanzo

alternative words: Hanzo Hattori
keywords: famous person , ninja
related topics: Sengoku period , Ninja , Iga ninja , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Akechi Mitsuhide , Oda Nobunaga
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explanation: Famous ninja boss of Sengoke period, originated from Iga region in western Mie prefecture. He got a trust of Tokugawa Ieyasu, by organizing successfully an escape of Ieyasu from Osaka to his fief of eastern Aichi prefecture during a putsch organized by Akechi Mitsuhide against Oda Nobunaga in 1582. There exist many movies and novels on his activities as chief of secret service to help Ieyasu to become shogun. A gate in west of Edo castle carries his name, "Hanzomon".

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