Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Goki shichido

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Goki shichido

alternative words: Gokishichido, Goki shichidou, Gokishichidou
keywords: law , state
related topics: Ritsuryo system , Kuni
explanation: Geographic division of Japan in Ritsuyo system. 5 kuni around the capital were grouped in Goki or 5 ki (ki means place directly administered by emperor) where the farmers were exempted from the tax in exchange with a labor force while the provinces were grouped in Shichido or 7 roads where relays along the main roads were installed to ease official travels. Goki were Yamato, Yamashiro, Settsu, Kochi and Izumi while Shichido were Hokuriku, Tosan, Tokai, Sanin, Sanyo, Nankai and Saikai.

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