Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Ojin

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Emperor Ojin

応神天皇 応神
alternative words: Emperor Oujin, Ojintenno, Ojin-tenno, Ojin tenno, Oujin tennou, Ojin
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Tumulus , Nihonshoki , Kojiki , Empress Jingu , Emperor Nintoku , Kofun period
explanation: The 15th Emperor of Japan. A legend says that he had born from Empress Jingu who would have already pregnant when she had been fighting in Korean peninsula. For that reason, he had been considered a war god and protector of Japan (Hachiman shinko). His tumulus, located in the south of Osaka prefecture is the biggest in Japan in volume. Some see the establishment of a new dynasty from Ojin because of the localization of his tumulus, far from the precedents.

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