Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Meiji

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Emperor Meiji

明治天皇 明治
alternative words: Emperor of Meiji, Meiji tenno, Meijitenno, Meiji tennou, Emperor Meji, Meji tenno, Mejitenno, Meiji, Meji
keywords: emperor , famous person , meiji revolution
related topics: Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate , Emperor Komei , Meiji period , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Emperor Taisho
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explanation: 122th Japanese emperor. Born in 1852 as a son of Komei Emperor and became himself emperor in 1866. He was the central figure of a movement to abolish Edo shogunate and to transform Japan to a powerful westernized country. The constitution promulgated in 1989 (constitution of the Empire of Japan) conferred him an absolute power. After the victory against China (1895) and Russia (1905), he got a reputation of clever emperor. He died in 1912 and was enshrined at Meiji shrine.

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