Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Eihe Dogen

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Eihe Dogen

永平道元 道元
alternative words: Eihei Dougen, Dogen Eihe, Dougen Eihei, Dogen, Dougen
keywords: buddhism , famous person , priest
related topics: Tendai sect , Soto sect , Zen
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explanation: Born in 1200 in a noble family of Kyoto. Lost very young both of parents, he entered Enryakuji monastery to study from Tendai sect. He then went to China in 1223 to study from Soto sect. Returned back in 1227, he wrote Fukan Zazengi which explains the practice of Zazen. Disgusted with established Buddhist sects, he moved to Fukui prefecture to build Eiheji temple. Because of hard discipline, his sect had become popular among samurai clans. He died in 1253.

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