Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Buke shohatto

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Buke shohatto

alternative words: Bukeshohatto, Bukesyohatto, Law for daimyo, Law for military houses
keywords: law
related topics: Sankinkotai , Edo shogunate , Edo , Daimyo , Kaieki , Siege of Osaka castle
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explanation: In 1615, after the fall of Toyotomi family, Tokugawa Hidetada assembled all the daimyo at Fushimi castle and dictated Buke shohatto law. Composed of 13 articles, the content was as followings: ban to hide traitors, ban to build or repair castles without authorization, ban to marry among them without authorization, sankinkotai (bi annual trip between Edo and their feud) etc. The number of articles became 19 during the reign of Tokugawa Iemitsu by restricting the tonnage of ships.

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