Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Battle of Nagashino

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Battle of Nagashino

長篠の戦 長篠の戦い
alternative words: Nagashino no tatakai, Nagashino
keywords: war
related topics: Sengoku period , Oda Nobunaga , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Takeda Shingen , Tanegashima rifle
explanation: In 1675, 2 years after the death of Takeda Singen, his son, Katsuyori, raised again a great army to occupy Kyoto. During the siege of Nagashino castle in Aichi prefecture, Nobunaga and Ieyasu's army opposed to an assault of Katsuyori's cavalry with 1000 musketeers (3000 in another source) and severely defeated them. The consequence of this battle are the disappearance of Takeda clan and a radical change of war tactics: the cavalry has become useless against gun fire.

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